
January 14, 2022

A talk with Marek | Olive Tree Portrait

by Adi Tsimhoni

January 14, 2022

A talk with Marek #6


“This tree was painted in the Valley of the Cross. Olive trees when they get older, when they mature, are very impressive, because they have the character of a person. A human character. The twisting branches are like muscles wrapped in one another. It reminded me of the sculpture “Laocoon and his Sons” being attacked by the serpent. The kind of muscles that represent physical suffering. You don’t see that with oak or eucalyptus trees. Olive trees become gnarly and twisted as they age, the trunk full of holes and spaces. On the one hand there is power that comes with age and on the other hand there is suffering. These are not straight trees.
Every tree like this needs a psychologist.”

Olive Tree Portrait, Marek Yanai, watercolor on paper 65X104 cm


Laocoön and His Sons (unknown artist)