
October 8, 2021

A talk with Marek | Morning in the German Colony

by Adi Tsimhoni

October 8, 2021

A talk with Marek #2
“There was a couple, friends of mine, who lived on the corner of Hildesheimer and HaTzefira, on the second floor. It was one of those typical German Colony apartments: the doors, the windows, the architecture and the atmosphere. I really liked their apartment. It was the morning light that captured my attention and that gave the large living room its ambience. Once they went on vacation, and I got a key. I had to take care of their cat. I went over just to paint, I gave him some food and water, and he’d walk around. He was old, so he moved slowly. He had a regular path that he’d take through the room, so I put him into the painting. Every time he passed by it was in the same way on the same path, so it wasn’t a problem to capture him. It went easily. If it had been an effort I wouldn’t have put him in at all”.
Morning in the German Colony of Jerusalem, Marek Yanai, watercolor, 89X66 cm